Thursday 10 February 2011

Post-Consumer vs. Consumer

Last week my group met up again on Thursday for another meeting, this time to further redevelop the research that we had previously carried out on Post-Consumerism. We all agreed that for this week we would gather a variety of images that we thought best suited this topic and make a 'collage' of our thoughts. This would then be our poster for Assignment 2. We decided that one side of the poster would represent the lifestyles and the changes brought through Post-Consumerism and the other side would be all about Consumerism. Below are the images of our poster:

After completing this we decided that we should brainstorm ideas and niches in the Post-Consumer world - i.e. start to think of products or business opportunities that would appeal to the Post-Consumer and that would fit in with their lifestyle. This was us on our way to discovering what we would be creating for our group 'Enterprise' project. Each avenue was explored in depth and some long discussion took place to see what our initial ideas were. We managed to discover quite a few things that have potential,  however, will need a lot more research before a final decision is made. We also want to produce something different, exciting and that isn't so obvious e.g. repair shops, although an ideal concept for a post-consumer, is far too obvious, boring and they already exist. For the next meeting the plan is to research some of the ideas we preferred and then discuss them in depth together to try and narrow down a few of our ideas. Below is the brain storm we carried out:

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