Monday 31 January 2011

Post Consumerism

The second assignment for design studies was here already. Another week, another group meeting and further discussion. Last week we had to research 'Post Consumerism' and discover what exactly it was all about. Then on Thursday 27th at 12:30pm, I met with my group to have a quick discussion and share our views and thoughts on this up and coming topic.

There were mixed views as to the ways in which post consumerism would change people's lives but overall everyone decided that those who wanted to adapt to this way of living, would in turn have a major change in lifestyle; however the extremity of the change would be entirely up to the individual.

Post Consumerism relates to products that have been reused or recycled by consumers. It is a change in lifestyle where brands are no longer dominant and being seen in the same clothes more than once will be the 'fashion'. Those who conform to this will no longer rely on huge supermarket chains, they will grow their own food and purchase anything they can't produce themselves from local shops, their personal values will change and their 'needs' will overtake their 'wants'.

I also personally feel that through this way of living 'Sustainability' and 'Green' methods will be easily and increasingly adopted for all the right reasons, rather than a fad and a business opportunity that looks good to clients.

Below is an image of our group meeting and a quick brainstorm that we carried out on this topic:

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